It installs onto individual food boxes to monitor temperature and humidity. The app tracks them throughout the delivery journey to ensure that every box stays at the required conditions (and the driver knows of any that don’t). By scanning the QR code on the box, the drive retrieves the data and the customer gets a notification about delivery arrival and the temperature/humidity experience of the food box. Future developments of the app: * To include an accelerometer to know if the delivery box experienced sudden acceleration or harsh road bumps.* GPS information (to pinpoint where temperature changed -especially useful when items travel long haul). * A sensor tells if/when/where/for how long, the box lid was opened. This app has wider applications. It can be used in shipping and logistics (eg. Salmon from Scotland to Saudi Arabia). Delivery of medication/vaccinations. Delivery of fragile expensive items. This app integrates with your existing online ordering platform and your delivery systems.